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Sākums » Kolekcija » Šūti apģērbi » Kristībām un svētkiem - zēniem » šūts kristību komplekts zēnam
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šūts kristību komplekts,krekls pogājams aizmugurē.Pieejams 92izmērs,pasūtāms vēlamais izmērs.Pagatavošanas laiks 3-5dienas.Cena mainas atkarībā no izmēra.

Šī izstrādājuma papildattēli

Skatījumu: 2531 | Izmēri: 1600x1200px/318.0Kb | Reitings: 0.0/0 | Datums: 25 Septembrī 2011 | Baby
Apskatīt fotogrāfiju pilnā izmērā

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Pavisam komentāru: 1
1 Jhum   (24 Maijā 2014 00:34) [Materiāls]
Barb, I always wtnaed a brother but it didn't happen. My daughters wtnaed a brother, too but after two girls, I decided I just didn't have the time (or space, or money) to cope with both Boy Scourts and Girl Scouts, clothes that couldn't be passed down or shared, and bedrooms/bathrooms that were basically communal. It just seemed easier to stick with girls. Maybe it wasn't the right decision. (Easy to say, twenty years later!) But that's what happened. I'm glad that of my three daughters who have children now, one has two boys and a girl and one has two girls and a boy. Caroline, the daughter whose wedding we were celebrating in that picture, has two daughters, and that's fine, too. They have a wonderful, involved, father and that can make all the difference. And by the way congratulations on YOUR coming grandparenthood!

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